Astrology Consultancy

Astrology Consultancy



It will include an overview of the birth chart with a focus on achieving one’s purpose in life, removing what is in the way of that purpose, and recommending traditional and modern Vedic remedies (Mantras, practices, gemstones, etc.) to support this process. Consultations may then go into specific topics as desired by the individual. Consultancy will combines Spiritual metaphors to support your material pursuits and overall purpose of  your birth in this universe.

  1. For new clients at least 60 mins is recommended for a consultation. All consultations involve largely 3 parts, but can be adjusted at the behest of the client:
  2. Birth chart rectification (limited version for short sessions less than 60 mins).
  3. Assessment of the current and near-most future, and answers to specific questions.

Further, it is informed that no prior knowledge of astrology is required for availing consultancy.


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