

Nov 22 - Dec 21

Physical Appearance:

The natives of this ascendant will be of tall stature with well-developed muscles and broad forehead. They have bushy eyebrows, long nose, graceful bright eyes, smiling face, fair complexion and handsome figure.

Positive Traits:

They are bold, courageous and pushful, hence they are one of the best performers in situations when they are coupled with difficulties and obstacles. They are highly intuitive and broad minded with spiritual upliftment and independence. They are ambitious and have the ability to face adverse situations with fortitude. They are restless and have great enthusiasm with vigor and vitality. They are self-reliant and self-confident but not timid. They are God fearing and truthful persons.

Negative Traits:

They exaggerate their own qualities and are excessive flamboyant in nature. They are always in hurry and are unable to identify and consider the pros and cons of any situations. They are deceptive and make promises without any intention of keeping it. They maintain false honour by sticking to their own principles even though the action may lead to unfavourable results. They are selfish, greedy, vindictive, jealous and inconsiderate. They lack loyalty and sympathy. They are unable to take quick decisions because they lack purpose and ability in accepting failures. They are fond of travelling which leads to wasteful expenditure.

Finance & Fortune:

They will earn satisfactorily. They will spend lavishly by visualizing expenditure of other persons.


They are indifferent to family life and are in haste while settling the marriage. They do not welcome enduring and profound relationship. They are passionate lovers but try to explore new horizons in romance. They are flirty and charming in nature but are straightforward in love.


The native born in this sign may suffer from sciatica, rheumatic pain, bone fracture in hip, back pain, gout, eosinophilia, infection in lungs, hiccough and asthma.


The native will have good health and will recover from any illness quickly due to strong immunity power.


It represents profession such as government service, judges, lawyers, teachers, writers, astrologers, preachers, politicians, ministers, banker, accountant and auditors.

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