
Jul 23 - Aug 22

Physical Appearance:

The native will be of moderate stature with muscular body, well developed bones and broad forehead. They have royal outlook, dignified personality and commanding appearance.

Positive Traits:

They attain high position in all spheres of life and are generally represented as the head of an organization in which they are connected, whether government, semi government or private. They are royal, noble, authoritative, enthusiastic, ambitious and brilliant. They are magnanimous and generous and help persons when in need. They have great faith in friends and relatives.

Negative Traits:

They are over ambitious and their ego demands flattery, praise and adoration in return. They take decision without judging the facts and matter of the case as they don’t have faith in anyone. They are obstinate, adamant and firm in their thinking and attitudes. They have unquenchable thirst for personal glory. They suffer from phobophobia and tend to become suspicious and over critical when deceived by any person. They do not like to talk much. They are not modest and nor polite. They always have the tendency to turn mundane problem into an overblown crisis.

Finance & Fortune:

They are spendthrifts, but if their financial position is not good they have the capacity to face hard times. They prefer to make investments in speculative activities such as gambling, stock market, mutual fund, etc instead of fixed return investments. They are over liberal in making investments and are lucky in getting returns on such investments too.


They try to dominate over the spouse and do not have faith on them, hence the married life is unhappy. They overpower the partner and peace will be there only when the authority is accepted. They are passionate lovers with balanced affection i.e., they are playful and fun loving.


The native born in this sign may suffer from heart disease, palpitation, spinal meningitis, inflammations, sunstroke, giddiness, pestilence, epilepsy and rheumatic fever.


The native will have good health and will have strong immunity from diseases.


It represents profession such as politician, ministers, government service and trading in precious metals and jewellery.

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