

Apr 20 - May 20

Physical Appearance:

The native will be of medium stature with broad forehead, thick neck and bright eyes. They have dark hairs, fair complexion, broad shoulders, well developed muscles and cheering personality.

Positive Traits:

They wait for the appropriate time to come for nurturing the benefits and availing full advantage of any situation. They have strong will and determination for achieving pre-determined objectives in life. They are highly dependable, reliable and sensible which makes them respectful. They are ambitious and hardworking. They are persistent in nature and are successful in every sphere of life. They are good source of inspiration to others. They are fond of good fooding, lodging and other worldly pleasures. They are very active and do not act in an impulsive manner. They have deep emotions and dislike quarrel.

Negative Traits:

They have vicious behaviour and become angry upon provoking. They are stubborn and gets disturbed with unexpected changes. They are conservative in dealing with others. They are lethargic and as such they lag behind in completing their work. Their decision-making capability is weak as they always take decision conservatively. They always want personal security as they have suspicious and stingy nature. They have a feeling of bitterness if they sense that someone is trying to enter their comfort zone.

Finance & Fortune:

They are very fortunate in financial matters and are cautious in making expenditure. They avoid taking risks in finance related decisions so they are able to amass enormous wealth. They are good financial planners and maintain financial reserve for meeting exigencies and stringencies. They invest in estates and agricultural lands.


They may have interest with other females which may end up in affairs. They have strong urge for physical pleasure and are sensual, affectionate and possessive. They are not impulsive but sometimes become a formidable lover. They are gracious in love and sex. They will always have good and caring partners. They will have a stable and blissful family life.


The native born in this sign may suffer from tonsil, diphtheria, diarrhoea, cold, constipation, pimples and eyesore.


The native will have robust health but recovery from any illness will be slow.


It represents profession such as actors, singers, theatres owners, producers, directors, dramatists, musicians, agriculturists and trading in cosmetics, gems and jewelleries.

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