

Dec 22 - Jan 19

Physical Appearance:

The natives born in this ascendant are generally emaciated, gaunt and weak. They have long nose, deep set eyes, and coarse hairs but the body growth is slow. The natives generally have good sense of humour.

Positive Traits:

They are ambitious and remain motivated through desire of success, status, money and position. They are hardworking and can overcome all difficulties and hindrances coming in their way. They are determined and continue their work till logical and meaningful conclusion is arrived at. They are calculative and are experts in concealing their insecurities and inefficiencies so that they can be admired and respected. They are economical, prudent, reasonable and methodological person. They are patient, steady and tolerant at workplace. They overwork till they achieve perfectness and accuracy in professional sphere.

Negative Traits:

Their desire to influence, meddle and dominate others may cause irritation.  They are dishonest, selfish and may even have a criminal intention in mind. They appear to be reserved as they are afraid of being ridiculed. They are over ambitious for money and power which sometimes become make their life miserable. They are generally not an optimistic person. They are efficient but do not accept reality until it is proved thereof. They are sluggish, lazy and conservative in nature.

Finance & Fortune:

They will amass wealth by way of savings. They will never involve in speculation activities as they avoid taking risks in financial matter. They are miser and greedy. They will invest in permanent assets only such as land, buildings, flats, etc.


They have deep passion for love and are faithful lovers but they do not make a show of their affection. Their sense of family bonding and duty exceeds their ability to express real love to their partners. They are good spouses and have harmonious married life. They are loved and appreciated by their partner.


The native born in this sign may suffer from leprosy, rheumatism, gout, indigestion, cold, skin disease, eczema, dislocation of patella bones and fracture of knees.


The native is fragile but will have weak disposition of health.


It represents profession such as service in municipality or government, work in mines and oil rigs, engineers, scientists or research scholars.

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